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how do I shape the armhole?

by Yen
(South Surrey, BC, Canada)

I'm working on the back of a sweater. I'm at the part where I shape the armholes. The instruction says: Dec 1 stitch each end of next and every following alt row 5 times more. 55 stitches.

Does it mean that I start off by decreasing 1 stitch at the end of a row. Then for the next row, I don't decrease at the end of it. But for the next row, I decrease at the end of it. If I do it this way, I only shape one armhole. I don't think that's supposed to occur. Please explain what the instruction mean.

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Mar 08, 2020
Shaping armholes
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Yen,

"Dec 1 stitch each end of next and every following alt row 5 times more. 55 stitches."

You have the right idea but the instruction says to Dec 1 st at EACH END. So, this means you will need to do it both ends at the same time. and then repeat it 5 more times on every other row.

It will look like this;

1st row: Dec 1 st at both ends
2nd row: no decrease
(first set)

3rd row: dec 1 st at both ends
4th row: no decrease
(first repeat)

5tht row: Dec 1 st at both ends
6th row: no decrease
(second repeats)

7th row: dec 1 st at both ends
8th row: no decrease
(third repeats)

9th row: Dec 1 st at both ends
10th row: no decrease
(forth repeats)

11th row: dec 1 st at both ends
12th row: no decrease
(fifth repeats)

This completes the above instruction.

Hope this helps. Thanks for the question.


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