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How do I Shape neck for a sweater I am making

by Nancy

I have knitted the front of my sweater like the directions said to. Now it says to Shape Neck. It says to on the RS work 20 sts. ( I get that), then it says to join 2nd ball of yarn and bind off center 10 sts, work to end. (that is the part I need help with right now.

1st question: Do I join a 2nd ball of yarn and bind off using both strands of yarn for the 10 sts, and then continue with both strands of yarn to the end of the row?

Then it says Working both sides at once, bind off 3 sts from each neck edge once, 2 sts once. Dec 1 st at each neck edge every other row 2 times. Work even until same length as back to shoulders. Bind off rem 13 sts each side for shoulders. I could probably get through this but my question is do I use the two strands of yarn all the way through??

I can't believe I am stuck on this .... the back is done and the front is done to this point. Hoping you can help one step at a time.


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Apr 07, 2018
neck shaping
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Nancy,

I don't get it. If you started out with 64 sts, why only knit 20 sts to get to center bind off. That would give this row total of 50 sts.

Did the pattern mention binding off 7 sts at each armhole edge? That the only thing I could think of.

is it possible you can send me a clear photo of a pattern? I would love to see it. email me at; ratchachambers@to-knit-knitting-stitches.com

Thank you,


Apr 06, 2018
Neck for sweater
by: Anonymous

Thank you for your help right away! So I understood what you said so I started off doing knitting my 20 stitches, joined my new skein and bind off 10 stitches and then worked to the end with my new skein, when I realized that I have 34 stitches to the end? Because I had 64 stitches. Is the pattern wrong?

Apr 05, 2018
Joining yarn and shaping neck
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Nancy,

Congratulation on your almost finish sweater!
After joining a new yarn, use this yarn to bind off (not both yarns) and use this new yarn for your right side of the neck only.

On the next row (wrong side), you work toward the center of the neck, skip the center bind off, pick up the yarn that you left behind from the previous row and work BO 3 sts as per direction of the left neck edge. Then work to the end of the row.

Then on the next row (right side of work), you work even to the end of left neck, skip over the center BO, Pick up the yarn for the right side and do 3sts BO and work to the end of row. Work back and forth like this and work decreases each side of neck edge as directed.

I only mentioned the first 3 sts dec on both sides (BO). I think you can figure the rest of the direction out.

Good luck with your sweater and thank you for stopping by.

Have a great evening!


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