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How do I remove unworked stitches after a wrap and turn?

my pattern calls for using wrap and turn to increase the ribbing length on the neck and back of a sweater, compared to the ribbing length along the two sides. But after I have done several wrap and turns to get the neck and back longer, it seems to assume I have somehow already bound off the stitched along the two sides below where the wrap and turn started. But they are still on my needles, and I don't know how or when I was supposed to bind them off.

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Jul 29, 2021
How to remove unwork stitches after wrap and turn
by: Ratchadawan


This is not something I would like to see at the end of my work for sure. I have never done wrap and turn on ribbing color before but I have done many short row on socks and shawls. I would think you pick up each wraps together with its wrapped stitch and bind them off together when you bind off. It is hard to locate it sometimes. It is a good idea to use stitch markers to mark the wrap stitches.

I'm sure you could find a video on how to pick up a wrap and knit. Let me take a look.

Here is one example of the videos I found. Maybe this will help.

Thank you for visiting.

Best regards,


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