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How do I read this

by Mary
(Glasgow UK )

Cr2r(L) I understand slip next stitch onto cable needle leave at back but in ( front) this is in brackets not sure when I have to do it at front. It's Cardigans and sweater by peter pan kids from babies 0 6mths 12 12 18 18 24 don't understand the ( L) in brackets OR FRONT IN BRACKETS


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Oct 21, 2018
How do I read this
by: Ratchadawan

I don't understand all of your question but it sounds like this is a simple twist cable that either go right or left.

I've never seen the abbreviation like this before but I found some discussion here that might help you; http://www.knittingparadise.com/t-60379-1.html .

After reading the discussion above, I came up with this conclusion;

When you see (L) you place cable needle in the back, so that you'll get left leaning or crossing. When you see (Front), you place cable needle at the front of work to make a right leaning st.

I hope this makes sense.
Thank you for visiting and questioning.


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