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How do I P2 YFD Sl K2 tog Pass Slip Stitch over

by Janette

My pattern has 80 stitches. The pattern row is

P2 (YFD Sl K2 tog pass Slip stitch over) rep to last 3 stitches K3

I seem to have lose a stitch on each repeat.

The YFD seems to be the problem as it doesn’t creat a stitch. Should it be a YON?

Many thanks

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Feb 17, 2021
Thank you
by: Anonymous

Thanks, I had actually done as you described Ratcha and ended up with less stitches as well, but according to the pattern I should still have had 80 stitches.

I think I have resolved it by keeping the yarn at the front and then slipping the stitch, K2 tog and passing the slip stitch over. This created an eyelet, as you said.

It fits in with the pattern and works correctly, I think!

Thank you so much for your reply.

Feb 16, 2021
P2 (Yfwd, sl, K2tog, pass slip stitch over) rep to last 3 stitches, K3
by: Ratchadawan

Hello Janette,

"P2 (YFD Sl K2 tog pass Slip stitch over) rep to last 3 stitches, K3"

The instruction doesn't say where is the repeat starting. When you start out with 80 sts and have to work the above instruction, the only way it will work out is to repeat just the (yfwd, sl, k2,psso). Maybe that's what you're doing anyway.

You're right, you lose a stitch for each repeat. That's totally alright. You knit with the yon on the first yfd, to produce an eyelet. You're right about this too. The rest of the repeat you can bring the yarn to the front as usual.

Once you're done with this row, you should end up with 55 stitches.

Here is a short video I made for you;

Have fun knitting!

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