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How do I keep same amount of stitches'

by Judy Ballintine
(Mpls, Mn, Us)


I'm doing an afghan. I cast on 54 stitches. Row 1 knit. Row 2 purl . Row 3 * ( k2tog) 3 times; ( yo, k1) 6 times; (k2tog) 3 times; rep from * across row. I have increased my stitches. What am I doing wrong? Shouldn't I still have 54 stitches

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Jul 29, 2015
Keeping the same amount of stitches (feather and fan pattern)
by: Ratcha

Hi Judy,

You are making feather and fan stitch pattern and you should have the same stitch on every row. Each set of the pattern have 18 sts.
You might have done too many YO. There should be three set of (3, 6, 3) stitches on row 3.

Just keep on trying and you'll get it. On another thought, may be you can search for a video tutorial on feather and fan pattern just to compare to your. Some pattern may require extra border sts before (k2tog)3times and after (k2tog)3times. Just don't worry about that part, focus on the one on your pattern.

Here is one example of the video I found that has similar structure to your pattern except it started out on row 3 of your pattern.

Thank you for submitting your question. I wish you the best on your project.


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