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How do I (K1, fwd) twice, K1

Hello, your site is really helpful so I wonder if you can help me. I think I understand the yarn forward principle. So if I see, K1, yfwd, K1 then the yarn forward comes between the first and second knit stitches. But how do I do this.... It's in Row 3 and I only have 3 stitches at this point: Row 3: (K1, yfwd) twice, K1. It seems to me that to follow these instructions, I would knit one stitch then yarn forward two times, but I only have 3 stitches. And if they want me to begin the row yarn forward wouldn't they say (yfwd, K1) twice, K1
Does this make sense? I can write out the pattern here...

Cast on 2 stitches
Row 1 : K1, ywfd, K1
Row 2, 4,& 6: K1, P to last st, K1
Row 3: (K1, yfwd) twice, K1
Row 5: (K1, yfwd) 4 times, K1

Thank you so much for your time

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Apr 02, 2020
how to (k1, yfwd) twice, k1
by: Ratchadawan

Hello Amanda,

Thank you for explain your question so well1

"(k1, yfwd) twice, k1" means to do (K1, yfwd) (k1, yfwd) and then k1.

So, instead of doing yfwd twice as your were saying you do both k1 and yfwd twice.

You 3rd row would look like this;
k1, yfwd, k1, yfwd, k1. (5 sts total).

Whenever you see a set of instruction in a bracket follows by number of times, you would repeat everything in that bracket for whichever time it states.

Thank you for the question and visit.
Have fun with your knitting!


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