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How do I join shoulder seams by picking up cast off stitches and knitting

by Kay
(England )

I have completed back and right and left round neck cardigan fronts and all have been cast off. The pattern then says Neckband join shoulder seams. With rs facing using 3.25mm needles pick up and knit 21 stitches evenly along right side of neck,27 sts across cast off sts at back of neck and 20sts evenly along left side of neck69 sts.
Next row knit commencing with 2nd row of 1x1 rib work 7 rows cast off in rib
This is supposed to be an easy knit design can you help me please

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Jul 25, 2023
Collar simple term
by: Hannah


Join both shoulder seams
With r/s facing and using the needles slip 6 sts from right from holder onto right needle.. rejoin yarn and pick up and knit 13 sts up right side of front neck, k across 32 sts on back holder then pick up and knit 13 sts down left side of front neck, and k across 6 sts on left front holder
70 sts.
Work in g st until collar measures 20 cm 7/34 in ending with r/s facing for next row
Cast off

Please can you help me out this in a more simple less confusing terms.

I tried to knit but it came out all wrong



I sounds confusing to me too.
Okay, let do it one at the time.
First, get a needle and hold it on your right hand. Then slip 6 sts off the left holder (on your left hand side).
Now grap a new yarn and pick up and knit 13 sts along the right side of the neck (which is on your left hand side adjasent to the sts you just slipped off the holder).
Then proceed to the back of the neck and knit across the 32 sts.
Now, pick up and knit 13 sts along the side front left of the neck (which is on your right hand side).
Now, you can knit across the last 6 sts from the other holder.
Continue working in garter sts back and forth until required length.

I hope you can understand my instruction and hopefully get your collar done perfectly.


Apr 06, 2021
Join shoulder seams.
by: Ratchadawan

Hello Kay,

Thanks for the question and visit.
It's a little bit confusing the way the direction is written. It supposes to says joining the shoulder seams first and then proceed to the direction for the neckband. You can't pick up stitches to make a neckband without seaming the right and left front to the back.

After the pieces are joined together, you can follow the rest of the instruction for the neckband using smaller needle.

Look up videos on Youtube if you need help on how to pick up stitches for neckband. There are many of them there.

Have a great day!

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