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How do I interpret this pattern.

by Liz
(New Zealand)

I am knitting a Patons Aran Jacket with optional collar and Matching beanie. I am working the beanie.

*Moss 2, sl 1,work 2tog,psso,moss 15times, moss1, patt 18,rep from* to end ...93sts.Work 5 rows patt.

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Jun 04, 2020
Aran baby beanie question on pattern
by: Ratchadawan

No problem, Liz. I hope it works out.


Jun 02, 2020
Aran baby beanie question on pattern
by: liz

Thank you for your help I'"ll try soon to see if this works . beem trying for about a week. have knitted and frogged for at least 5 times to get it to work. the 18 stitches makes sense not 18 x times across row.
thank you

Jun 02, 2020
How do I interpret this pattern
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Liz,

*Moss 2, [sl 1,work 2tog, psso, moss 1] 5times, moss1, patt 18,rep from* to end ...93sts. Work 5 rows patt.

*you work moss 2, then do [sl1,k2tog, psso, moss 1] for 5 times (this mean to repeat the whole thing in [ ] for 5 times), then moss 1, work 18 sts of pattern that you've been working on these 18 sts, Then you repeat the whole thing from * all over again until end of the row. You should end up with 93 sts. Then work 5 rows of the pattern.

You should have directions on how to do the moss 2 and moss 1.

Thanks for your question.


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