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How do I follow this Leaf square Blanket pattern?

by Shirley Silvers
(Stoke on Trent, England.)

My pattern starts by saying, cast on three stitches.
1st Row...YFWD, K3
2nd Row...YFWD, K4
3rd Row...YFWD, K2, YFWD, K1,YFWD, K2
4th Row...YFWD, K2, P3, K3

This pattern is for a Leaf- Square Blanket.
I would appreciate your help.

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Oct 30, 2018
you're welcome
by: Ratchadawan

You're welcome! Shirley. I'm so happy that the video helps.

Have fun knitting and have a wonderful evening.


Oct 29, 2018
Correction to last comments.
by: Shirley Silvers

THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH, I understand now how to proceed with the Yfwd stitch.

I really appreciate you showing me how the stitch works, in your EXCELLENT video.

Kind regards
Shirley. X

Oct 29, 2018
How do I follow this Leaf square Blanket pattern?
by: Ratchadawan

Hello Shirley,

Thank you for sending in your question. First, I was going to write instruction down for you but then I thought it might sound complicated. So, I took a longer time to produce a short video for you. This way other knitters can get some benefit out of it as well.

Here is a video showing how to do the first 4 rows of the leaf pattern. I hope you find it helpful. Happy Knitting!

How To yfwd, k3 and More Video Tutorial

Click right lower corner icon to expand the video.

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