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how do I fix what appears to be a hole?

I will attach a photo of what appears to be a hole in the row beneath where I am currently knitting. I am a novice knitter and at a total loss. Thank you so much for your help!

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Jan 01, 2021
How to fix what appears to be a hole?
by: Ratchadawan

Hi there,

It looks to me like you didn't finish the last row, instead you begin to work back where you start. You can fix this by unravel those purl stitches on the right needle. Looks like there are 10 of them. Stop unravel once you get to the knit stitch. Now put those purl sts on the fight needle back on the left needle. Flip your work and work until the end of row. Your knit sts are now your purl sts.

I hope this makes sense.

Happy New Year!


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