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How do I fix a skipped lace stitch?

by Randye
(Burns, WY, USA)

Pic. 1: Slip off sts above mistake sts

Pic. 1: Slip off sts above mistake sts

Well, I really did it this time! I am knitting a pair of lace leg warmers. I apparently "messed up" a lace stitch (yo2x,p2tog)and can't tell which part I did not knit correctly. As you can tell, I'm a beginner. The stitch in question was not discovered until I had completed about four more inches of knitting...vertically. Please show me how to correct this mishap without ripping. I am as slow as Christmas when it comes to knitting, and these will be a Christmas gift for a daughter who, thankfully, does not expect perfection.

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Dec 03, 2015
Fixing a skipped lace stitch
by: Ratchadawan

Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. I've been away for awhile.

This is a very tough situation. When I messed up my lace knitting, I had to decide what suited me the most. If my mistake was too far back and wasn't too obvious, I would leave it alone. If the mistake is too obvious and had to be correct, I would first try to rip it down to where the mistake was. In most cases, I would ripped it all down every sts and ever rows.

In your case, I would suggest not to correct it wasn't that obvious to you. If it is so bothersome to you and you must correct it then, I would suggest doing the following. But please beware this can also cause much more confusion and you may end up take all your 4 inches down at the end. I'm so sorry, I don't have a better way than this.

Here is the way to correct your mistake without ripping every rows down to mistake. Need two double pointed needle with slightly smaller gauge than the needle you're working with.

First, work until you come to the stitches that lies directly on top of the mistake stitches (See image 1). Slip the stitches correspond to the mistakes stitches off the needle. Make sure all other remaining stitches are secured on both needles.
Second, unravel the slipped sts down to the mistake row. (pic. 2)
Third, Using double pointed needles to pick up the stitches you want to correct and start working according to the pattern. (Pic 3) Make sure to use the yarn from the right order of each row. Work these sts back and forth until you reach the present row that you're working with. Then put all sts. back to the left needle and continue your pattern.

I wish there is an easier way than this. It's a part of learning. I've been through this many times.

Best of luck,


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