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How do I do w&t 2

by Cheryl Wallis
(Collie. Western Australia)

I recently purchased Simply Knitting magazine Issue 225, have knitted the childs cardigan Hello Petal, pattern starts page 28, everything going well until I came to making the petals, first 12 rows no problem, row 13 onwards have totally confused me, I do not understand what they are saying w&t 2 and it increases every 2nd row following. have read the abbreviations but it doesn't make sense to me and I have been knitting for over 60 years. and have never come across this step. Can you help make it clearer for me as I am unable to finish cardigan if I can't do the petals, Thank you for your help if you can.

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Mar 25, 2023
w&t (wrap and turn)
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Cheryl,

The W&T is a wrap and turn, there are videos you can watch on YouTube on how to do this (below is one of them) The number 2 following w&t is not clear to me. It can mean there are 2 sts left or work 2 sts.

Can you give me the explanation of the abbreviation that you read? Maybe that will give me more sense.


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