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How do I do this yfwd

by John

How do I do this ...k10 ,* (yfwd, k2 , yfwd,, k5 ) rep from * last to 4 sts, k5

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Oct 12, 2015
Yarn forward
by: Ratchadawan


Sorry, for the late reply. I just saw your comment this morning. Somehow my automatic notification failed to email me.

For your question, you need to do yf every time before each k 2 and every time before each k5.

I just realized that you wrote " rep for * to last 4 sts, k5" Did you mean to write k4?


Oct 05, 2015
Yes But...
by: Anonymous

Do I bring the yarn over for each of the K2 stitches or just the first time? And the same for the yfwd K5 also?

Oct 05, 2015
yarn forward (yfwd)
by: Ratchadawan

Yfwd is simply to bring yarn to the front before you start knitting the next st. It's exactly the same way when you do the yarn over (yo).

Thanks for the question.


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