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How do I do this I - cord button hole

by Phyllis Nova

I don’t understand # 1.
Using gauge-size dpn as rh needle:
1. Work 3 rows of plain i-cord on the 2 sts on rh needle (i.e. *k2, slide sts to other end of needle, pull working yarn across back;* repeat from * twice).
2. Retaining 2 sts on rh needle, slip next 2 sts from Ih needle to rh needle.
3. Pass the first st over the second (bind off 1st).
4. Slip next st from Ih needle to rh needle.
5. Pass the first st over the second (bind off 1 st).
6. Return remaining st plus the 2 i-cord sts from rh to Ih needle.
7. Continue to work i-cord bind off as before to next marker.
Repeat steps 1-7 a further 5 times until all sts are

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Mar 31, 2023
how to work the I-cord button hole
by: Ratchadawan

Sorry for the late reply. Maybe you've already found the answer.
On #1, you work the 2 sts on the right hand needle as instructed by.
using dpn needles with the same gauge as the other needles, knit 2 sts. slide the sts toward the left end of the needle, knit the two sts again with the yarn at the back. Repeat once more. That's make 3 rows of I-cord.

(see the video below to get the idea)

Thanks for the question. Happy knitting!


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