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How do i Decrease 1 st on neck edge every other row in a 2x2 rib

by Katie
(United Kingdom )

Please help me !! I've been knitting a jumper and I asked you a previous question back in September which was very helpful but im stuck again :( I've been told in my jumper to decrease 1 stitch on the neck edge every other row but im struggling to make it look right especially with it being a 2x2 rib. Could you help me in steps on how I do this ?

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Jan 15, 2021
decrease 1 st on each neck edge while maintaining 2x2 ribbing
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Katie,

I'm glad your jumper is going well.
If you're going to make a neckband then it wouldn't be much of a problem.

Try ending with k2tog on the right neck edge and begin with slip knit passover on the left side of neckedge. keeping the edge stitch on each side.

If you want to get fancy, you can try this method using in this video below;

Thank you for visiting again and best to your project.


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