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how do I correct the mistake described below?

by Patti
(el cajon, CA, US)

I'm knitting my first sweater using a knit 1 purl 1 pattern. I've made a mistake and removed the needle from the row. Now I need to put the stitches back on the needle. How do I do that without disturbing the pattern. How do I replace the knit stitch and the purl stitch?

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Jun 06, 2019
How to pick stitches back up on needle when removing needle by mistake
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Patti,

I would use a spare yarn and a big eye needle. Using same size needle to pick up will be a bit more difficult. Using left over yarn, thread it though the big eye needle and start picking up stitches one row below the current row. Working gently and try not to move the piece too much. It's better to let it lay flat on a table while you doing this. Start picking up the left side of each stitch, one by one until the end. Then you can ravel the top row off and transfer those stitches back on your knitting needle.

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