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How do I cast on 3 stitches behind the stitches on the stich holder

by Anita
(South Africa )

I am knitting gloves and the pattern says "cast on 3 stitches behind the stitches on the stitch holder"

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Mar 08, 2021
Cast on 3 sts behind stitch holder
by: Ratchadawan


It's a little unclear to me. Why cast on behind the stitches instead of pick up stitches behind sts. Are you making a glove that has a flap on the top?

I feel like this is just an extra cast on that over the sts on the holder. When you come to the st holder, you cast on 3 sts onto you right needle and then follow the rest of the instruction.

I'm still not completely sure about this. Please send me a link or send me a photo of the instruction at; ratchachambers@to-knit-knitting-stitches.com so I can look at the pattern. It helps to see the pattern structure.

Thank you for visiting and questioning!

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