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Help with neck and armhole decreases

by Natalie
(Novato, CA, USA)

I am knitting my first sweater and need help understanding the instructions for the front neck shape. I’ve read it over several times and it’s still very confusing! I begin with a set of 10 stitches for the first side of neck. But, please help explain what... “keeping all raglan armhole decreases correct as set, decrease 1 stitch at neck edge of next 4 rows, then on following 0 alternate row and at same time decrease 1 stitch at raglan armhole edge of 2nd and following 1 alternate rows” mean? 4 stitches. Work 1 row, ending with a WS row.
I’ve already decreased 1 stitch at neck edge in each of the next 4 rows, so I am currently left with 6 stitches on the WS (purl side). Did I do this correctly? Or should it be decrease 1 stitch in 4 rows, with 9 stitches remaining? What does 0 alternate row mean? Please help spell out what I should be doing in each row. Any help is appreciated!

Thank you!

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Aug 16, 2022
Which rows are rs and which are ws
by: Anonymous

Can you explain which rows should be knit and which should be purl? Is row 5 a purl row?

May 20, 2019

by: Ratchadawan

Hi Natalie,

Thank you for your question and sorry for the delay in answering your question. It has been a very rough weekend with all the children's activities.

So you have the right idea on decrease 1 sts at neck edge but you have to work on the armhold edge at the same time.
So it will be like this;

Current row (Row 1): Dec 1 st at the neck edge.
Row 2: Decrease: Dec 1 st on the neck edge and armhole
Row 3: Dec 1 st at the neck edge
Row 4: Dec 1 st at the neck edge and 1 st at armhole
Row 5: Work without decreasing.

Alternate row means every other row. So the armhole is dec on 2nd row and the 4 th row. The 0 alternate row means you don't have to do anything since it's 0. This is the way the pattern is written when there are more than one size. So you size is just happen to be a zero.

So, you should have a total of 6 sts dec and 4 sts left.

Have a great day and I hope this helps.


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