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Help with Baby Sweater

Question (unedited):

"I don't understand the following instructions:
(Rd) knit 35, turn, leaving rem sets uncorked
Next row: k4, purl across
Next row: knit
Rep last 2 rows until back opening measures 2.75 inches ending with (we)"

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Mar 14, 2018
Baby Sweater
by: Ratchadawan

There are many typos in the pattern. I will just make changes to what most appropriate.

I'm changing them to these;

(RS) knit 35, turn, leaving rem sts unworked
Next row: k4, purl across
Next row: knit
Rep last 2 rows until back opening measures 2.75 inches ending with (WS)

Here is how I would do it;

(right side) : Knit 35 sts, turn work. Now you're going to be working on the wrong side. Don't worry about the rest of the sts for now.
Next row (wrong side): K4, p across to end of row
Next row (right side): K 35 (to where you started out)
Repeat last 2 rows until these 35 sts opening area measures 2.75 inches. End on the wrong side row (finishing knitting the wrongside row).

Thank you for visiting and questioning. I hope this help answer your question. Let me know if you're still unsure. I'll try to make a tutorial video for you.

Have a wonderful night!


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