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Help! I’m trying to understand this pattern!

by Ali

Hi there - I am really struggling to decipher the attached pattern and would appreciate some help trying to understand it. I think I have worked out row 1 of the main part which I have written down ... but I am stumped with row 2!!
Thanks in advance

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Jun 11, 2020
Thank you
by: Ali

Thank you - I understand the stitches and the basis of the pattern - I just couldn’t work out how many stitches for each panel.... However Ratcha helped me massively and I’m pleased to report I’m 20 odd rows in!! Wish me luck...
I got the pattern from Deramores and couldn’t get the email address for the designer ... but hopefully all sorted now ...
Thanks again x

Jun 10, 2020
Pattern challenging
by: Anonymous

I have always found that if I email or message the pattern creator they can put me on the right track. I also try google for stitches that are unfamiliar because usually there is a youtube somewhere that demonstrates it.
Try the designer first and take pictures of the work you have done. It is true that a picture is worth a 1000 words. :)

Jun 10, 2020
Help! I’m trying to understand this pattern!
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Ali,

I couldn't make out a word on the main pattern page. Can you email me another photo of it to; ratchachambers@gmail.com.

I think the problem is with the web host compressing the file. I'll be waiting.


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