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HELP! How do I increase 1 stitch each side every 8 rows in a 2x2 rib

by Katie Winspear

increase in 2x2 ribbing

increase in 2x2 ribbing


I seem to be struggling a bit here, I've been searching and watching YouTube videos on this but none are helpful at all! I'm trying to make the sleeves to my jumper and the instruction is:

"Continue in K2, P2 rib, increasing 1 stitch on each side every 8 rows 15 times until 92 stitches remain"
(there are currently only 62)

But I really don't know how to do this whilst maintaining the ribbing pattern ?

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Feb 18, 2021
increase ribbing 2x2
by: Ratchadawan

You're welcome, Katie! Glad it's helpful.


Feb 17, 2021
Thank you!
by: Katie Winspear

That is so helpful thank you so much !!!

Feb 15, 2021
Increase 1 sts on each side for 2x2 ribbing
by: Ratchadawan

Hello Katie,

Yes, it's hard to find the right way and the right look for increase ribbing. People do it different ways. I'm not sure which way I like it best either.

I knitted a sample of 2x2 ribbing and came up with the one in the photo above.

I found that increasing before the second stitch at the beginning of the row and before the last st at the end of row work best. Keeping the first and the last stitches in a knit st on the right side.

So, when you do the first increase row it would be like this;
k1, m1 (use pick up method which you twist the yarn so there won't be any hole show), pattern to the last st, m1, k the last st.

On the wrong side, you would work back according to the pattern and then keep the first and the last st in purl. It will look strange to have 3 of the same sts at each end at first, but it'll look better as more increases are made.

For the second increase (right side): you would k, M1, and follow the ribbing pattern to the last st, M1, k1.

The k edge st will make it look neater and it'll be sew close easier.
I hope I explain this Cleary. I would love to make a tutorial for this but I just can't do it today.

Thank you for visiting and questioning. Have a great evening!


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