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Heel flap decreases

by Ken Denta
(NW Indiana )

I get to one stitch before the gap on my sock. I slip as if to knit the two times then knit those two stitches together. I have seen an alternate way but don't remember all of it. Ok. I get to one stitch before the gap, slip the two, THEN this lady did this.she slipped those two stitches back to the left needle and then knitted them. Maybe from the front maybe the back. Have you heard of this practice?

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Aug 28, 2023
Heel flap decrease
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Ken,

Thank you for the visit.
I have done heel turning in many different ways. I don't remember them all either. Sorry for not being a much help here.

There is a sweet tomato heel by Cat that I want to try sometimes and it looks really great. Maybe you should take a look at the her video below;

Have fun knitting!

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