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Having trouble in reading pattern


I have 10 stitches on my right needle and I need to pass the first st over the other 9 sts. How do I do this?

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Sep 09, 2018
Bad hair day hat
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Barb,

I took a peak a the pattern. It's cute and I like the color.
"K 1 round even" means to knit every sts on this round without having to decrease. So, you just knit all the way thought the round.

Thank you and best to your slouchy hat project!


Sep 03, 2018
Understanding a pattern
by: BarbAnonymous

I am knitting a slouch hat on a circular needle. The pattern reads for the decrease row " K5,K2tog across row.K1 round even.
I understand the decrease part but not the "K1 round even" Does this mean after the decrease row to knit 1 around in each stitch the whole row?
I got the free pattern off of Ravelry called "Bad Hair Day".
Thanks for your help!

Oct 09, 2016
Having trouble reading pattern
by: Ratchadawan

I don't know if you can even do that. I haven't seen or done this before it before. After reading your question, I tried to do it but I couldn't. Is it possible that the pattern meant to say pass the 9sts over the first sts? That will be manageable.

I'm sorry I can't help you much this time. Send me the rest of the pattern and I can take a look at it. Maybe, we can figure this out.

Thanks for stopping by,


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