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Garter stitch border curls up.

by Simone

I've started a baby sweater, using 8 ply wool. First two rows garter stitch, then stocking stitch using 4mm needles for border and body. The border keeps curling up. The pattern says block the border when finished. Should I crochet an extra border in heavier wool to the border, to flatten it? Thanks so much.
I've done 18 rows of stocking stitch so far and the border is still curly.

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Apr 29, 2024
Garter stitch border curls up
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Simone,

The garter border has only 2 rows. It will curl with stocking st body. It will straight out after you block it.

I like the idea of adding a crochet border as well. You can wait until you're done and finished with blocking. Wool stays flat pretty well after blocking.

Let me know how it goes.

Thanks for asking.


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