Voliere yarns from Knit Picks

Front Edging

Picot edging

Picot edging

Front edging
Cast off row: cast off 2sts, *sl stitch from right hand needle into left hand needle,

cast on 2 stitches, cast off 5sts, repeat from * to end. Cast
off rem stitches.

When I cast on 2 stitches does that mean I then end up with 4 stitches?

Also when I cast off 5 stitches do I start casting off on the newly cast on stitch?

When I cast off remaining stitches will I end up with loops between the cast off stitches?

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Jun 09, 2019
Front edging
by: Ratchadawan

When you cast on 2sts, you just add extra 2sts to the left needle. Your left needle should be empty. I suggested doing a knitted cast on instead of just a simple cast on because picots turned out looking better when I tried.

Yes, after cast on, you cast off 5 sts starting with the 2 newly cast on sts. When you cast off all five sts, you put that one sts left on right needle back on left needle and repeat the same process.
Yes, you will have a tiny loop or picot between each bin off. It will look similar to the photo above.

Good luck on your project. I hope I explain it clearly. Thanks for sending in the question.


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