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Follow this pattern - adding a hood to a cardigan

by Maureen
(Leyland, Lancashire, UK)


I wonder if you can help me please. I have a hoodie pattern which I haven’t done before. I am attaching a copy of the pattern and hoodie instructions, does it mean that knit across the shoulders, then back and then shoulders again please.
Really would appreciate any help on this matter.

Thank you

Kind regards

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Nov 16, 2020
adding a hood to a cardigan
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Maureen,

I can barely read the direction in details but I think I can explain this. After you completed with all the pieces. Join shoulder seams of the back piece to the left and the right front. Now you're ready to pick up stitches and knit the hood. You start on the right side of work and begin picking up and knit (as many stitches as you need per instruction) at the opening of the right front of the sweater. Then continue pick up and knit the back neck and then come around to the left front.

Here is a sample video showing how to pick up and knit neck edge.
(this is just the right front showing)

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