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figuring our gauge

by Liz Biggins
(Seeley Lake, MT)

I recently purchased some Lil Toppers by D.M.C. at Michael's - they are just darling but, I'm confused about the gauge. It says on size 8 needles to make your gauge but they only give a box -with no stitch count or row count. Has a little diagram that shows a 15 on the bottom and the top has 4 in or 10cm. My count 14 stitches in 2" and 8.5 rows in 2". Do you think I am on track? I use the Portuguese style of knitting which makes me a little tighter and more on target than the English method. Thanks for your help!

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Aug 02, 2019

by: Ratchadawan

The suggested gauge for this yarn is;

Gauge: 15 sts = 4" (10 cm) Suggested Knitting Needle: 5 mm, US - 8

and yours is 14 sts per 2 inches. So, your is gauge is about half the size of the suggestion. It doesn't matter if you make up your own pattern but if you follow others' patterns then you have to adjust your gauge and make sure you have the right number of stitches.

Are you sure that your gauge is not 14 sts per 4 inches? It seems like a big difference than the suggestion. If it is 14 sts per 4 inches then you're on the right track.

Thanks for visiting and questioning. Happy knitting!


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