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felted basket question

by Susan

felt basket using variegated wool

felt basket using variegated wool

I am making your felted basket pattern and can you please describe how you decrease in rows since you start using a circular needle and the basket is knitted in the round. I know there is a really simple explanation, but I just can't figure it out!! Thank you. I'm teaching my 8 year old granddaughter this pattern and when I made it I just used double points but she can't handle the double points right now. Thanks very much. Susan

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Oct 28, 2020
felt basket decrease
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Susan,

That's wonderful that you granddaughter is knitting! What a special bond to have together.

In stead of going around like I did for the rest of the basket, I turned the work and began working on the wrong side. When I finished a row, I turned again. I went back and forth like that and when I'm done with it I just seamed the opening.

I hope this makes sense.
Have fun with your granddaughter.


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