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Droped stitchs

by Brenda
(West Midlands England)

I have just finished a baby cardigan git it all sewn up and fined that there is a couple of stitches have come away and would like help to be able to put it right as I don’t want to have to undo it all Also would you be able to tell me what ply a wool is I have been given a cone of mohair wool mohair soft by Argyll but it dies every tell me what ply it is and I’ve had a look on the web without success hope the photo is ok with my problem o. It.

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Mar 26, 2019
Argyll yarn
by: Ratchadawan


I really can't tell for sure. It could be 8 ply. I think the best way to get the right yarn is to take the sweater with you to the yarn shop. This way you can match the color and the yarn gauge better.

I found a bunch of Argyll yarns at Ravelry but can't find the mohair one that you mentioned. You can go check them out here;


I'm sorry I can't be too much of a help here. Thank you for stopping by though.

Have a great day!


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