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Drop stitch cowl-missed yarn over in previous row

by Ann
(Deer Lodge, MT)


I am making a drop stitch cowl and when I go to the next row to drop the yarn overs I realized I missed a yarn over or two. Can I fix without ripping out to the error? Novice here.....



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Nov 28, 2017
Drop stitch cowl-missed yarn over in previous row
by: Ratchadawan

Hello Ann,

Thanks for stopping by. I took a look at the cowl pattern. This pattern is not suitable for fixing a yo dropped stitch. It depends so much on the YOs. You won't have a yo to drop and the ladders won't look even. I would suggest ripping it to the previous knit row. If you're afraid of not be able to pick up all sts after ripping them off, you could try using big eye needle and yarn to thread through them while they're still on knitting needle. Another trick is to use smaller size needle to pick up sts.

Sorry that you have to rip your work.


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