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Don't understand what to do after row 12.

by Carmen
(Sacramento )

Pattern provides clear instructions for 1-12 rows, then says; Next (dec) row (rs) P2, ssp,p,to last 4 sets, p2tog,p2,-2 sets dec'd. Rep dec row every other row twice more -86 sts. Work one row even.
I've attached a photo of the pattern for clarity.

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Jan 14, 2020
Thank you.
by: Carmen

Thank you for your help.


You're welcome!


Jan 13, 2020
Decrease knitting clarification
by: Ratchadawan

"Next (dec) row (rs) P2, ssp,p,to last 4 sets, p2tog,p2,-2 sets dec'd. Rep dec row every other row twice more -86 sts. Work one row even."

Nex (dec) row (rs) is a decrease row on the right side. You do P2, slip slip purl (slip 2 sts and purl them together), p to last 4 sts, p2tog, p2. This row has two set of decreases which are ssp and p2tog.

Now the instruction wants you to decrease again on every other row 2 more times. So, after you've done the first decrease row above, you then work straight on row and decrease on the next. And then repeat these 2 rows once more. You should have 86 sts on the needle.

In conclusion, you work should looks like this;

Decrease row
work straight row
dec row (work exactly the same as the first dec row)
work straight row
dec row (same as first dec row)
work one row even.

Hope this is not too confusing. Happy knitting!


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