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Do not understand pattern

I have 37st on needle and am knitting a tunic for toddler. This is the left side back. Work 56 rows in st st working 1 st less at each side Dec 2 st as before in every following 14th row leaving 29 st. It is the working 1 less at each side I do not understand

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Oct 19, 2022
working 1 st less at each side
by: Ratchadawan


Thanks for the question.
I'm not sure. This is not very clear to me either. Maybe it just an explanation of the decreasing part which each side has 1 less st. than the original. If you to work the decreases every 14th rows as instructed, you would end up with 29 sts without doing anything differently. That is why I think it's just an adjective of the 2st decrease on each side.
If you can't get a hold to the designer, I would just ignore that "1 less st" and continue working in st st for 56 rows and at the same time dec every 14 th rows.

Happy Knitting,


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