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Differences between a cable stitch and a twisted cable stitch in Celtic pattern

Celtic  plait pattern

Celtic plait pattern

In the celtic plait pattern there are both cable stitches (ex c5f) and twisted cable stitches (t5f). How do you make a twisted cable?

Do you put the 5 stitches on the cable needle and hold to the front, the knit the next 5 stitches on the left hand needle, then take the cable needle and actually twist it before you knit the stitches on the cable needle?

Thank you for your help.


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Jul 18, 2016
How to knit T5F Stitches
by: Ratchadawan


I don't remember when I made my Celtic stitch but I'm glade I did. T5F actually doesn't require any actual twisting of a stitch but requires purling instead of knitting. I guess it just another type of twist.

Here is how to do the T5F - Twist 5 Front:

Slip next 3 sts onto a cable needle and hold them at front of work, purl next 2 sts from left-hand needle, then knit stitches from cable needle.

Here is a good website where you can find helpful knitting terms and techniques; http://www.knitting-crochet.com/terms.html

And here is my Celtic plait pattern page where you can also find more related knitting terms;


Thank you for visiting. Happy knitting!


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