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Difference between baby blanket and throws?

by Sarina
(Ontario, Canada)

Hi! I am a comparatively new knitter. I love knitted blankets/throws/afghan. I was wondering can I use the same pattern as a baby blanket to make into afghan or a throw? It doesn't mention anywhere if the patterns for baby blanket are specific..... I wanted to make gifts for some of my family members. If its just decorative, why can't a throw be a baby blanket size? Are there any specific rules. I don't want it to look silly and it's a lot of work wasted too. I'd appreciate your help for this confusion. Thanks in advance.

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Feb 03, 2021
Difference between baby blanket and throws?
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Sarina,

Thank you for visiting my site. I couldn't get back to you yesterday due to a web host maintenance.

For me knitting is something I do for fun and I like to make up my own patterns when I can. I believe that knitters can knit anything we like with any dimension we want. One rule I go by is to make something that I enjoy making. If I want to knit someone something, I would make it the way I would love to have or something to match one's personality.

Yes, you surely can use the same design of a baby blanket to make an afghan or a throw as long as it's suitable. Something like lace and cable designs are great for making them.

I'm sure your family will very much appreciate your gift.

Have a great day!

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