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Decreasing stitches

by Caroline Brown

Hi I am a bit confused with the instructions for the cardigan I am knitting. It says: work 84 rows inc 1 st at each end of 3rd and every foll 9th row, working increased sts in patt (67) sts. There are 51 sts to start.
Am I right in thinking I need to decrease 16 stitches? In that case I think that the increases will be done by row 66. Do I just carry on in pattern to row 84 then? Confused!


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Oct 10, 2019
I think it's Increasing stitches
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Caroline,

I think you meant to say increase 16 sts instead of decrease.
Here is what I understand. You're right that you have to increase 16 sts and that the increase will be complete at row 66. Then you can just continue working the pattern without increase after that until you get to row 84.

Start with 51 sts, work 2 rows even and then increase at each end on row 3. Then work 8 more row and increase on the 9th row counting from row 3. That would be row 12 from the beginning. Then you would increase every 9th row 6 times more. You would have a total of 16 sts increase and with a total of 67 sts on the needle. Then Continue working until you reach row 84.

Here is a simpler direction for this;

Row 1-2: work even on 51 sts.
Row 3: Increase one st at each end (increase #1)
Row 4-11: work even
Row 12: Increase one st at each end (increase #2)
Row 13-20: work even
Row 21: Increase one st at each end(increase #3)
Row 22-29: work even
Row30: increase one st at each end (increase #4)
Row 31-38: Work even
Row 39: increase one st at each end (increase #5)
Row 40-47: work even
Row 48: increase one st at each end (increase #6)
Row 49-56: work even
Row 57: Increase one st at each end (increase#7)
Row 58-65: work even
Row 66: increase one st at each end (increase #8)
Row 68-84: work even on these 67 sts.

So, that's pretty much how it would be. Hope it helps and best to your project.

Thanks you sending in your question.


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