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Decreasing Neck Opening on Circular Needle Working Both Sides at Same Time?


Child's Poncho - knitting on circular needle but working in one piece.

Have decreased stitches for neck in centre of piece. Instructions are now to decrease either side of neck opening "working both sides at same time" keeping continuation of pattern. How do I work both sides at the same time on circular needle?

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Sep 27, 2017
still confuse
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Chris,

I just finished anwering your question. Should be up by now.


Sep 24, 2017
Child Poncho - Still Confused....
by: Chris

Sorry, I am still confused.
I am working the rows back and forth (not in the round). Instructions say: "SHAPe NECK: 1st ROW: Pat 25 sts. Cast off 11 sts. Pat to end of row (which I have done).
Working both sides at the same time and keeping cont of pat. dec 1 st at each neck edge on next 4 rows to 21 sts.

How do I work both sides at the same time? Do I reattach wool and work from neck edge to neck edge decreasing and keeping pattern. I should mention this is Cake wool which makes a striped poncho. Sorry to be such a ditz!

Sep 21, 2017
Chile's poncho
by: Ratchadawan

Are you now working the neck part in rows back and forth, right?
To decrease both side at the same times when knitting in rows is to decrease at the beginning and then at the end. This usually works out with one stitch decrease on each side. If there are two or more sts involoved, we usually decrease it at the beginning of rows.

I hope this helps.

Thanks for visiting,


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