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Decreasing in Knitting

by Jeanette
(St. Louis, MO.)

When knitting and the pattern says to dec2 does that mean to knit two stitches together twice or knit three stitches together.

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Jul 17, 2016
by: Ratchadawan

Yes Jeanette, I agree. k2tog twice would work for me too.
Have fun with your project!


Jul 16, 2016
Decreasing in Knitting
by: Jeanette

I think that I have figured this one out. By counting the 145 stitches, I believe it comes to decreasing by knitting two together twice in this pattern. I'm not going any further until I receive confirmation. Thanks!

Jul 16, 2016
Decreasing in Knitting
by: Jeanette

I cast on 145 sts. To continue: Row 9: (Kl,pl) 3 times, *Kl, yo, k4, dec2, k4, yo: repeat from * to last 7 sts, kl, (pl,k1) 3 times.

Jul 16, 2016
Dec2 - Decrease in knitting
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Jeanette,

I can't tell you for sure because it can mean a lot of things. Dec 2 could be k3tog, k2tog twice or dec 2 sts evenly. Could you tell me more of what the pattern states after the word "Dec 2" ? It will help me narrow it down a bit more. I don't want to misinform you. I might not be able to anwer you right away because i'm traveling tomorrow.

Thank you for visiting!


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