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Decreasing Every Alternating Row


I know this is a silly question, my instructions are as follows;
Decrease 1 stitch at each end of next and every following alternating row. Am I to assume that I am to decrease on a knit row and then on the purl row?

Thank you


No, your question is not silly at all. I'm glad you asked.
Alternating row refers to every other row. We see this type instructions a lot when working with bilateral decreasing and increasing sleeves or neck lines.

"Decrease 1 stitch at each end of next and every following alternating row" refers to decreasing 1 st at each end of the next row (usually the right side row). Then work the next row (usually the wrong side row) without decreasing. Then on the next right side row, you would do another decrease on each end again. Continue working this way until you meet the pattern requirement.

I hope my answer helps you with your question. Thank you for writing in.

Have fun knitting!


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Mar 15, 2023
Decrease row on the armhole of left front
by: Anonymous

'Decrease one stitch at armhole edge of next 9 rows then on following 9 alternate rows'
Since decrease happens on every other row naturally as the armhole edge is on one side only, when it says to decrease every alternate row, Does it mean to continue every other row decrease (on knit side) for 9 additional rows? or skip one decrease row and decrease on the second decrease row?

Jan 23, 2023
Question decreasing at neck esge
by: Jackie

My pattern says on next knot row and every following knit row decrease (k2tog) 1st at neck edge 4 time. Leaving 15 stitched
I know how to knit 2 together but do not understand 4 time as when I did this I had alot more that 15 stiches left.

Jul 14, 2022
Dec. next row and every following alt row
by: Cindy

THANKS! You explained it well! Knitting words can make you second guess yourself.
Thanks so much for your help!

Oct 26, 2021
Dec 1st at each end of next row and at each end of next 18 alt rows
by: Michelle

eachdec 1 st at each end of newest row and at each end of next 18 alt rows

Aug 07, 2020
Neck shaping in top down sweater
by: Anonymous

I am knitting a sweater for the first time and it is a top down designed pattern. Can anyone help me with this part of the pattern:
begin shaping the neck edge. After (E)_____ rows, inc 1st at each neck edge every RS row (F)_____ times.
At the beginning of the next 2 rows, CO (G)_____ sts. At the beginning of the next (RS) row, CO (H)_____ center front sts. 130 (130, 130, 138, 122, 138, 138, 138, 130, 122, 142, 134, 126, 138, 146, 162, 178, 198, 206, 238, 238, 242, 154, 154, 166, 182, 198) sts on needles.
Does anyone understand this?? I understand what the letters mean, they're for the different amount of stitches for the different sizes but the neck edge increase? and the CO in the middle of my work? I just don't understand!!
Appreciate any feedback!
Thank you

Apr 22, 2020
Decrease every alternative row
by: Anonymous

I am shaping the armholes on the back of a small jumper. It says to decrease one stitch at the end of next row then every alternative row, which to me looks as though the shaping will be one sided. Can you please explain :)


I think it's possible that it only refers to one side of the armhole. Or else it might be a typo.


Jan 12, 2020
Please explain
by: Anonymous

Decrease 1st at each end of row on next and following 12th rows

Dec 21, 2019
For Still don't get it. :(
by: Anonymous

For Still don't get it. :(

This is probably way too late but I was having the same problem. Then I read my instructions better and it told to decrease AT EACH END of every second row. So you decrease at the beginning and at the end of every second row.

Dec 10, 2019
Decreasing confusion
by: Lisa Morehouse

pattern say
Dec one st at raglan edge in every foll alt row (10 times) AT SAME TIME dec one st at neck edge in every foll alt row (7) times

So I dec 1 on the armhole side on the RS of my project, then dec 1 on the neck side on the WS of my project. Once I dec 7 times on the WS, I would dec 1 on armhold RS of project and pearl each stitch on WS until I have dec the 10 times on the RS?

I hope I am making sense

Nov 15, 2019
Alternate rows
by: Anonymous

I have to increase on following 2 alternate rows. Does this mean the next row I don’t increase, then the next row I do increase and do I repeat again the next row, no increase but the next row I do increase.

Oct 02, 2019
Alt row sleeve decrease
by: Anonymous

Hi, did you get any answer to this? I’m having the same problem!
Thank you

Feb 13, 2019
Still don't get it. :(
by: Anonymous

Hi everyone - I am so glad I found this, and of course, I feel very slow for still not understanding it. I am decreasing a sweater front from bottom to top, obviously, for raglan.

What I still don't get is that if I decrease every other row, then aren't I only decreasing on one edge. Meaning, my first decrease was on the Purl side. Then I do one on the next row, which is knit. Fine. It's even. But every alternating row from here on out means that I am only decreasing on the Knit rows to me. That can't be right because I will only have a decrease on the right side.

Thanks for any clarification!

Aug 03, 2018
Shoulder cast off
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Sue,

For shoulder bind off at 7 sts sounds right. You're right, you'll do cast off at the beginning of the row. I'm assuming you're working on back of sweater and without neck shaping.

This is how I would do it;
Bind off 7 sts, works to end of row.
Next row, bind off 7 sts, works to end of row.
Then follow the rest of the instruction.

Jul 21, 2018
Following alt rows when casting off - help please
by: Sue

HELP - I have a pattern that requires me to cast off 7 stiches on every following alt row. Cast off happens at the start of a row - right?- so how do I work that? It's the shoulders so if I just do knit or purl rows I'll end up with no shaping on one side. If I decrease on every row the shaping is right but I'm worried that I'm losing length. Does 7 stiches per row sound right to those of you with more experience? THANKS I'm really enjoying getting back into knitting but I'm frustrated by this!

Mar 01, 2018
by: Ratchadawan

To dec every following alternate row, is to decrease every other row.

So, you did the dec every row previously and now you do it every other row until you have 7 sts left, then work one wrong side row.


Feb 28, 2018
by: Carla

My instructions say, "dec 1 st at each end of needle on every following alt row from previous dec to 7 sts, ending on a WS row." The previous question was about a dec on "the NEXT and every following row".

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