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Decrease in Bramble stitch

by Patricia
(Dublin ireland)

right slanted bramble stitch

right slanted bramble stitch

Knitting mens aran jumper at decrease im using bramble stitch just cant seem to get it right.

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Feb 10, 2021
Decrease in bramble stitch
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Patricia,

It is a little bit difficult to manage the decrease in bramble stitch. I'm not sure how you want to decrease this. I'm assuming you would do the decrease right at the neckedges. I did some exercises of different ways of decreasing. I only did the slanted decrease but didn't try to do the straight one. The straight decrease one should be a much more easier.

Here is how I did my decrease;

For right-slanted decrease (the purple one), I did decreases at the beginning of row 2 and 4 (wrong side). Assuming you don't have an extra salvage stitch. You can work, p1, p3tog, passover. or you can do p4tog. You can try and see what you like best. The first option gives a little more ease.

Then for the left-slanted decrease, I decreased at the end of row 2 and 4 with p3tog, p1 and passover and again you can try p4tog as well.

I hope this works out for you.
Thanks for visiting and question. Have a great day!


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