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Correctly counting knit 9, make 1 to arrive at correct count

by Helen K
(Halfmoon, NY)

I have 144 stitches in the round on my needle. Next direction is to *k9, m1 repeat from * around - 180 stitches.
I have counted , taken out, started over, etc and I keep ending up with 4 stitches left before marker and only 157 stitches.
I don’t understand what I am doing wrong.

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Dec 26, 2023
Issue solved!
by: Helen K

I have actually solved my issue!
The pattern called for a "M1" and I was dong "kfb" which definitely throws off your count!
Learn something new all the time!

Dec 26, 2023
Correctly counting knit 9, make 1 to arrive at correct count
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Helen,

I'm so sorry for getting back to you so late. I didn't see your submission and we were also on vacation.

If you have 144 sts and have to M1 16 times, then you should ends up with 160 not 180 unless it's a typo.

To solve the problem with stitch miscounting is to place a marker after every 9th stitch. Then when you work to each stitch marker you can do M1. This way each section is mark clearly and easy to spot a mistake if happened.

Thank you for the question and hope you have a great Holiday!


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