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Continuity of pattern

by Kath
(South Wales valley )

Please help , newbie knitter here ! I’ve really enjoyed this pattern but I’m stuck on the sleeves . I’ve included photos of the pattern, the back which I found easy to follow and the sleeves which I cannot fathom at all.

The back pattern is a pattern of repeating two rows in a section of 10 rows but the sleeves only give me two rows and then increases stitches!!

Thank you for taking the time to read this

Frantic new Knitting nanny

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Feb 17, 2021
continuity in pattern - sleeve increase
by: Ratchadawan

Hello Kath,

Yes, it does look like you have only 2 rows to repeat for the sleeve. The look like half fisherman rib stitch.

Just repeat these 2 rows and follow the increase instruction. It's good that the beginning and end of each row are knit stitches. So, at lease you don't get confused trying to maintain the pattern.

Before you begin an increase row, make sure to place a marker after the 6th at the beginning of the row and place another marker before the last 6 sts. This way you know that you begin the p1,k1,p1 of row 1 and k1below for row 2. Since you'll gain more sts as your work progresses. In the photo above, I knitted a sample of the sleeve pattern with a shorter ribbing. I did one increase on each side on row 5 of the rep pattern. You can see that now I have 7 sts at both end. My markers will stay at the same spot. If you want it to be even more easier to knit, you can place marker after, 6th, 13th, 20th, and 27th stitch positions. These are where the major changes happen. I found myself easily lost count quite often. I think placing the markers at those areas would help a lot.

You increase a st at each end on the 5th row, then every following 6th rows until you have 41 sts. Then every 8th row once to get to 43 sts. Then follow the rest of the pattern.

It sounds like you're doing very well. Great job!
Have fun knitting!

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