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continue in st st until there are 44 rows less than the back to shoulder shaping

Hi Ratcha,

I am confused.

Are the rows counted from the the first rib row of the back band or from when I changed the needle size and started Stocking Stitch?

I have completed the back and working the left front. It states "to continue in Stocking Stitch until there are 44 rows less than the back to shoulder shaping".

Not sure if I am making sense, but any help would be great.

Kind regards

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Apr 12, 2022
continue in stockinette st until there are 44 rows less than the back to shoulder shaping
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Leanne,

You can count down numbers of rows on the back piece. Starting from the row where you began the shoulder shaping. Start counting 1 and work you way down toward the body part. When you reach row 44, mark it with a marker. This mark indicates the length of the left front when it is at 44 less than the back to shoulder shaping.

To check the length of the left front; Place the left front piece on top of the back piece. Make sure the ribbings are directly on top of each others. You stop when the left front reach the mark of the back piece and proceed to the next part of the pattern.

Thanks for the question. Happy Knitting!

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