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Confusing directions for crochetted afghan

by Lynn Johnson
(Monterey, CA)

Hi, Ratcha!! I am the one that the kitty ruined my afghan and you heled me!

Now I have a question:

Working BEHIND row 4 AND dc on row 3 (between sc) dc in same stitch and in next 5 dc, decrease, dc in next 5.....
I am confused as to how to do this. Could you please help me?? I LOVE your Blog and would love to hear what you have to say.

Thank you in advance for your help! Lynn Johnson, Monterey, CA

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Jul 01, 2020
3 color afghan
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Lynn,

Here are some result of 3 colors afghan from Ravelry.com;
3 colors afghan knitting patterns both sale and free

Hope you find some that you like!


Jun 28, 2020
responding to Crochet problem
by: Lynn Johnson

Hi Ratcha!!! Thank you so much for getting back to me so quickly. Please forgive me for bothering you about a Crochet problem!!! I realized it too late. Anyway, your response was very helpful. I may change patterns, to a knitted afghan. It is a Wedding Present for our oldest son's wedding. Do you have any beautiful, knitted afghan patterns with 3 colors? I am an intermediate knitter, almost expert. But it can only be 3 colors. Maybe you could refer me to some knitting sites? Thank you so much for your wisdom!!!!

Jun 28, 2020
crocheted afghan
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Lynn,

Glad you're back! I know how to crochet but I didn't learn the terminology in English. I probably tell you the wrong thing. This is how I think it works.
I'm not sure exactly how the 3rd and 4th forth rows set up but it looks like you need to crochet behind row 4. This is like doing row 4 twice on top of row 3 so that you'll get another layer. You do dc into the each st for 5 dc and then decrease, and so on.

That's what I think how it goes. I think it's probably best that you check with the crochet community.

Thanks for sharing this with us. wish you the best.


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