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Commencement of yolk on baby matinee coat.

by Judith

I have slipped all the sts from left front, sleeve, back, sleeve and right front on to a size 10 needle. I have correct number of sts in each piece.

Now to bring all together:

1st Row: (Buttonhole and decrease row) K2 cast off 1 st K3 (including st on needle)

Do ! presume this refers to the 5 stitches that form the border on the front?

So I would knit 2

then knit 2 more to cast off 1 st

then knit 2 more, these and the 1 from from the cast off making 3

I would appreciate some clarity on this please...

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Jan 11, 2024
commencement of yolk on baby matinee coat
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Judith,

I'm picturing you are working around the top edge starting from right front or maybe the bottom corner of the right front. I'm not sure.

I would just do k2, then cast of 1 st, then k3. and then move on the next instruction. I would think that the next row will be an increase row to make up the cast off st. There no need to knit extra 2 sts. after the first 2 sts.

I could be wrong on this because I don't have the complete details of this pattern. If this doesn't sound right then you can give me more details.

Thanks for understanding and the question.


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