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Circular needles

by Ann
(Wales uk)


This is my first time doing this ever.
I have knitted a blanket in checkboard st. how do I stop stitches catching on needle off the cable? I have tried knitting more loosely but it looks untidy. I thought maybe I could knit border and sew it on. Don't know how I would join corners though.
thank you for any advise.

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Sep 25, 2020
circular needle.
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Ann,

Congratulation on your first blanket!
Try using 2 sizes larger needle to bind off it will keep it from being too tight. On the other hand, I think border would add a lovely touch to it.

If you want to add a border, you can try garter st or seed st. Here is my suggestion of garter border. Doing the current side by knitting every row for about 1-2 inches depending on how you like it. Then bind off with a slightly bigger needle. Then move to the opposite side and pick up all stitches and do the garter border just like the first one. Then do the last 2 parallel sides the same way.

If you don't know how to pick up stitches and knit, you can find this on YouTube.

Best to you,

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