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circular knitting how to follow this pattern

This request is for a tote bag pattern.

After I cast on 100 stiches and have knitted 46 rows in the round the following instructions in the pattern are:


"Rnd 1 (RS): Pm, pickup 17 sts along side, pm, pickup 100 sts along next side, pm, pickup 17 along next side, pm; join to work in rnd.

Rnd 2: K to next m, p1, k to next m, p1, k to next m, p1, k to next m, p1".

I don't understand what these instructions mean, how do I pick up 17 stitches along side. which side are they referring to and does it mean consecutive stitches to be picked up or spaced?

The pattern also tells you to pickup 100 sts along next side. There are only 100 stitches on my needle so I can't work out what this means! It then tells you to pick up 17 stiches once again along the next side.

This does not make sense to me , I hope you can help me with a clearer explanation.

Thank you.

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Dec 27, 2021
How to follow this instruction
by: Ratchadawan

You have just finished the bottom part of the tote. Now to will be working on the body of the bag by working around the bottom or the base that you just made. Imagine building 4 walls up and around that base or bottom part. In order to do this you will need to pick up stitches from each sides except for the 100 sts that are already on the needle. You can find tutorials on you tube on how to pick up stitches.

Starting by place a marker on a right needle after the last stitch on the current row. Don’t turn work. Pick up 17 sts evenly along the left side (the 46 rows side). Divide 46 rows by 17 sts and you’ll get about 2.8. This number tell you how often you should pick up stitches in order to get to 17 sts. It’s a bit tricky since it’s not a whole number. You could try pick up every 2 sts and 3 sts alternately and see how it comes out. It’s a good learning exercise.
Place marker when you’re done picking up. You should be at the corner at this point. Now pick up 100 sts along the cast on row. This time picking up should be easier since it’s one to one ratio. Place a marker.
Now pick up another 17 sts along the side and place a marker. Now you are ready to work in round and knit up all 4 sides of the tot.
Follow the rest of in strucrion.

I’m traveling and i’m Not equipped with supply to demonstrate this to you. So i’m Hoping that you understand what I have explained.

Best wishes,


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