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Changing a pattern

by Linfa
(Aurora, Illinois)

The pattern I'm making has a cable down the middle of the front and back, I just want it on the front and the back to be just a straight stockinette stitch. Will this affect the size? Should I cast on less stitches for the back? Thanks for any suggestions.

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Feb 20, 2022
Changing the pattern
by: Ratchadawan


Cable patterns in general pull the stitches closer together at the center. Some cables pull more and some cables pull less depending on the complexity of the cables. If you only add the cable panel to the front then the back is going to be a little looser than suggested but by not much since it's only one panel.

If you want to be very precise, you could try making a swatch to check the cable gauge and then compare it to the gauge of the plain st st. This way you know for sure how many stitch you need to eliminate.

I think it's worth a try doing a test gauge.

Thanks for the question.


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