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Chair Sock Pattern - Looking for a chair sock pattern for protecting my floor.

by Shirley
(New Liskeard, Ont.)

Hi, I have seen in the past knitted booty that fit the foot of the chair so that they don't scratch the floors. Do you have any idea how to go about this.


Hi Shirley,

Thank you for visiting my site and for your question. I'm sure this will give knitters a lot of ideas how to create their own socks for their chair.

I'd never thought of knitting a chair boot or chair sock before until you asked. It's a very clever idea and it sounds pretty fast and fun project to knit.

I'm not sure if you have seen this chair socks before. They look very cute. Are those something you have in mind?

Here is another idea for Chair Socks. These socks look very much like human's socks, aren't they? They are for sale though, but they'll give you some basic idea for your own pattern.

Here are few more patterns for chair socks;





I hope this information helps you and good luck with your projects. I think I might knit me some of those!

Ratcha Chambers

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Nov 10, 2011
it's what i was looking for
by: Anonymous

Hi Ratcha, it's what i was looking for. I just did not know how to call it. Thank you for the web sites.

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