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Can’t decipher this part of pattern, help please.

pattern instruction

pattern instruction

This part is mesmerising me.
It’s for shaping the neck on a shawl collar gilet.
Going great guns until I got to this part.
I’ve uploaded a picture of the part I’m stuck on, my size is the second from last.

Look forward to your reply

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Apr 20, 2019
Need help with the pattern
by: Ratchadawan

Hello Elaine,

Thank you for sending in your question.

Instruction states...

Shape neck: Dec 1st at neck edge on next row and 2(2)(1)(1)(1)(nil) following alternate row(s), then on 3(3)(4)(5)(5)(6) following 4th rows --9(10)(12)(12)(13)(14) st.

This means you do 1st decrease at neck edge on the next row (I'll assign this as row 1). Then for your size, you'll do 1 st decrease at the neck line on the following alternative row which is row 3, one time. (the 1 in bracket indicates number of times you have to dec.)

Then you do decreases on the following 4th row 5 times (this will be row 7, 11, 15, 19 and 23). You should end up with 13 sts on the needle.

Summary, You will do 1 st decreases at neck line on row 1, 3, 7, 11, 15, 19 and 23.

Best on your project and happy knitting!


Then you can follow the rest of the pattern as indicated.

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